Aluminium utensils are ubiquitous in Indian households and other developing countries. Cooking utensils like cookers, pans, skillets etc. are used across the world. These products are made from clay, glass, ceramics, wood, and metals like cast iron, brass, bronze, copper, mild steel, stainless steel, and aluminum. Aluminum has advantages over other materials due to better strength with lower weight, higher heat conductivity, resistance to heat, and easy pliability to shape. Aluminum is quick to heat up food and has lower cost, thereby making it affordable to consumers. Aluminum utensils are used for dining and other uses, in low income strata of population.
Aluminium Utensils are excellent heat conductors. Heat spreads quickly and evenly across the bottom, up the sides and across the cover to completely surround the food. The Specfic heat of aluminium is twice that of steel, 2.5 times that of Copper. This helps it to retain heat for much longer period than other metals. This saves fuel while cooking and cooks faster and evenly. Aluminium domestic utensils are used widely in both urban and rural areas. These utensils fetch some money even after use. They are more durable compared to earthen wares. Due to its durability, cheapness and other factors, these items find market in all places without much difficulty. There are no specific areas for marketing these items and they can be sold both in rural and urban areas.
Indian Aluminum Industry is one of the leading industries in the Indian economy. The India aluminum industry is developing fast and the advancement in its technologies is boosting the growth even faster.The industry has a bright future as it can become one of the largest players in the global aluminum market. The market for aluminum utensils will depend mostly on the increase in the population. As the population in the country is increasing steadily the market for this item will also increase. India is world’s fifth largest aluminium producer with an aluminium production competence of around 2.7 million tones, accounting almost 5 % of the total aluminium production in the world. India is also a huge reservior of Buaxite with a Bauxite reserve of 3 billion tones. House-ware is a growing category in the Indian domestic retail market with an annual growth of 25-30%. The future trends are likely to remain focused around products and retail formats. Aluminium is comparatively more chepaer, lighter and durable as compared to other metals. Demand for alumimium is estimated to grow at 6%-8%, per annum in view of the low per capita income consumption in India.
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