Arabic Gum is widely used as an emulsifier within the food & beverage industry in India. Arabic Gum ensures even distribution of sugar within the liquid and helps avoid precipitation of crystals at the rock bottom. Arabic Gum has medicinal properties and can be consumed with water to treat stomach problems, as it is rich in dietary fiber. Additionally, it is extensively utilized in traditional lithography and printing. Consumer spending on dietary and fiber rich food especially in food items. This is owing to consumer growing purchasing power in bakery and confectionary items.The Arabic Gum has high dietary fiber content which aids in healthy digestion and bowel movement. Arabic Gum benefits patients suffering from constipation and irregular bowel movement. Many Arabic Gum manufacturers are focusing on securing regulatory clearance for the inclusion of this emulsifier as an ingredient in food products. Powder encapsulation; remains to be one of the most instrumental production procedures in the pharmaceutical industry. Colorless, tasteless, odorless, and high water-solubility are key properties of instantly soluble Arabic Gum, which is adding as key pointers for driving the Arabic Gum market. Arabic Gum market is prone to fluctuations in weather. Inconstancy in weather one year to another leads to variance in production and price of Arabic Gum, which acts as a challenge for the market growth. Opportunity is extremely high but production has limitations within different countries.
The global Arabic Gum market size was valued at INR 278,000 Crores in 2019 and is estimated to expand at a CAGR of 5.9% over the forecast period. Arabic Gum, also known as acacia gum, is a natural emulsifier used in various applications such as food and beverage, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and paints. It is primarily used as a filling and thickening agent in most confectionery items. The Arabic Gum market is fueled by the growing awareness about the multi-functionality of Arabic Gum and the associated medicinal benefits. Globally, the multiple functions of Arabic Gum to enhance the quality of the food products have led the large-scale adoption of Arabic Gum in various applications. Arabic Gum also exhibits some medicinal benefits, such as reduction in dental plaque and healing of wounds, which are encouraging the application of Arabic Gum in the pharmaceutical sector, thereby driving the growth of the global market for Arabic Gum.
Due to the increasing number of Arabic Gum, manufacturers are looping on to securing regulatory clearance for insertion of emulsifier as a major ingredient in food products. Power encapsulation is believed to be one of the most instrumental production procedures in pharmaceutical industry. The key properties of soluble Arabic Gum include; tasteless, odorless, colorless, and high-water solubility are beneficial for the encapsulation flavors, colors, and aroma. The acacia market share holds an impressive standing across the globe due to the increasing demand for soluble Arabic Gum among consumer is encouraging the manufacturers to develop and release new formulations such as instant soluble Arabic Gum. The increasing usage of soluble Arabic Gum in beverages is expected to boost the food and beverages segment during the forecast period.
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