Project report for Bleached and Dried Ginger Manufacturing

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Ginger  is a flowering plant  whose rhizome,ginger root or ginger, is widely used as a spice  and a folk medicine. It is a widely grown crop of our country. The ginger is bleached, left to dry and dehydrated for preservation. Preserved ginger has a big market over an extended period. Used in instant masalas, dried ginger is as a sort of a ready mix for all food preparations. In the pharmaceutical industry, ginger is used for extracting oleoresins. Dried ginger has a market as a culinary item in almost all over the world. The market for instant masalas has been growing for some time and supply to restaurants, supermarket chains, etc. Aggressive advertising is needed though all the competition comes from imported products. The first people to produce ginger were supposedly the Chinese and Indians, who used ginger to treat many illnesses. It was valued for its flavoring and medicinal properties. Dryed Ginger is nothing but fresh Ginger, which has undergone a drying process. The fresh rhizomes are soaked in water over night after which the outer peel is carefully removed  using a knife or peeler. They are washed again and then Sun- dried on mats or barbecues for around a week. During this period , They are turned periodically. The end result is a pale white dried ginger. Many a times, dried ginger is bleached with Calcium Carbonate to get a whitish coating. When this dried ginger is powdered in a mixer, we get ginger powder. It is a fine off-whitish powder, which has a strong aroma.

Market potential & Strategy

India, considered as the Land of Spices is one of the major spice producing and exporting country of the world, contributing about 20 - 25% of the world trade in spices. Besides, large quantities of spices are also considered within the country for seasoning and flavouring of foods and other products. Out of 109 spices recognised by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) world more than 52 - 60 spice crops are grown in India. India blessed with varied agro-climatic conditions, tropical, sub-tropical and temperate spices can be grown and having good scope for cultivation of majority of the spices. There is a good export demand for Indian spices because of high quality with the maximum content of essential oil, oleoresin and active principles. In the present scenario, the food style or habit of people is changed to a greater extent, they are moving for spicy food because of good taste and aroma and love for fast food. Spices and condiments finds unique place in fast food preparations especially bakery products and confectionaries.

Owing to the distinct taste and health benefits of ginger powder, it is extensively used in the food & beverage industry to manufacture products such as tomato ketchup, pickles, meat sausages, and salad dressings. Furthermore, it offers antioxidant properties, and is thus used in several digestive drinks, such as ginger tea. These health benefits offered by ginger powder fuel its demand among health-consciousness consumers, which acts as a key driver of the global ginger powder market. Furthermore, rise in consumer preference for natural flavoring and additives in bakery items such as cookies, biscuits, and cakes has boosted the need for natural flavorings such as ginger powder, thereby positively impacting the market growth. However, availability of low-quality raw materials and counterfeit products could cause health issues, which hamper the growth of the market.

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