Cotton is the most important commercial crop contributing nearly 75% of total raw material needs of textile industry in our country. Cotton and Textile exports account for good share of foreign Exchange earnings of India, crossing Rs.70, 000 crores. India has achieved significant breakthrough in cotton yarn exports besides increasing its global market share in cotton textiles and apparels. Today, India produces cotton fibres with staple lengths ranging from 6 to 120 counts, from nonspinnable coarse to medium, long, extra-long and superfine cotton. Due to rapid growth in Indian economy and increasing demand. India has the largest cotton cultivated area, which constitutes about 30% of the global cotton area. India has the distinction of having the largest area under cotton cultivation which is about 41% of the world area under cotton cultivation between 12.5 million hectares to 13.5 million hectares. The domestic textile industry is one of the largest industry in the country and has witnessed a phenomenal growth in the last two decades in terms of installed spindlage and yarn production. The significant features of this growth include installation of open-end rotors and setting up of export-oriented units. Technology-wise, Indian spinning industry has been able to keep pace with the international technology trends. India has become one of the largest consumer of cotton i.e., about 22% of World Cotton Consumption.
Cotton plays an important role in the Indian economy as the country’s textile industry is predominantly cotton based. India is one of the largest producers as well as exporters of cotton yarn. Cotton is a crop that is majorly used in textile industries. It is a perennial crop that is harvested in moderate rainfall and during a frost-free period with plenty of sunshine. It is somewhat salt- and drought-tolerant, which makes it an attractive crop for the arid and semi-arid regions. The highly competitive prices of Indian cotton fibres in the global market coupled with the increasing export demand for cotton yarn and textile products will cause India’s domestic cotton consumption to rise in market year (MY) 2021-22. Cotton imports have also been rising due to a strong demand from cotton mills to fulfil their export orders. The area of cotton harvested is expected to move down as the area under Rabi crop in South India is increasing. Despite the decrease in cotton harvest and damage due to excessive rains, the cotton production is expected to rise due to high seed cotton prices. Farmers are also willing to keep the crop on the field longer for better price realisation. Cotton seeds are crushed to obtain cholesterol-free oil, which is mainly used in cooking and as an ingredient in cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and personal care products, along with other industrial applications, such as plastics and rubber. Cotton seeds also produce a high-protein meal used to feed livestock and poultry
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