Project report for Footwear manufacturing is as follows:
The Indian footwear industry has developed substantial links in the global production network. But, this industry is still dominated by firms that cater largely to the domestic market through the artisanal production system. Specific footwear centres and sections of firms in traditional footwear clusters have established strong relations with the export market. The leather industry is one of the oldest traditional industries. It has several components like tanning, footwear & leather products including garments. Modern leather industry began with British governments direct encouragements. First modern tanning was established in 1857 (Kumar, 1997). The first modern footwear industry was started in 1887. However, the footwear industry was largely based on traditional artisan mode. In the industrial policy of 1967, the leather industry including footwear was reserved for small scale sector. In late 1970s and early 1980s, 100 per cent export-oriented footwear industries in larger scale were promoted and that allowed larger scale industries to get established afresh. Only in the month of June in 2001, the leather industries were de-reserved.
While leather shoes and uppers are produced in medium to large-scale units, the sandals and chappals are produced in the household and cottage sector. The industry is poised for adopting the modern and state-of-the-art technology to suit the exacting international requirements and standards. India produces more of gent’s footwear while the world’s major production is in ladies footwear. In the case of chapels and sandals, use of non-leather material is prevalent in the domestic market.Leather footwear exported from India are dress shoes, casuals, moccasins, sport shoes, horrachies, sandals, ballerinas, boots. Non-leather footwear exported from India are Shoes, Sandals and Chappals made of rubber, plastic, P.V.C. and other materials. At present, there is heavy demand for this item in the market. This item is far more convenient also for agro-work. The villagers, therefore, like to wear them. As it is also a fancy wear, embroidery work is done to make it more attractive and embossing. With changing lifestyles and increasing affluence, domestic demand for footwear is projected to grow at a faster rate than has been seen. There are already many new domestic brands of footwear and many foreign brands such as Nike, Adidas, Puma, Reebok, Florsheim, Rockport, etc. have also been able to enter the market.The footwear sector has matured from the level of manual footwear manufacturing methods to automated footwear manufacturing systems. Many units are equipped with In-house Design Studios incorporating state-of-the-art CAD systems having 3D Shoe Design packages that are intuitive and easy to use. One of the major factors for success in niche international fashion markets is the ability to cater them with the latest designs, and in accordance with the latest trends. India, has gained international prominence in the area of Colours & Leather Texture forecasting through its outstanding success in MODEUROP.
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