Light engineering industry is one of the largest segment of the overall industrial growth of a nation. It is an intermediate unit whose demand depends on a variety of end-user industries such as power, mining, oil and gas, consumer goods, automotive and the general manufacturing sector. In other words, the products covered under this industry are largely used as inputs to the capital goods / heavy engineering industries. Being highly labour intensive, the light engineering sector generates ample employment opportunities in the economy, especially into the areas where there is an abundant supply of skilled and semi-skilled labour.
The light and sound hiring service is popularly increasing in our country. The mike set, boxes and load speaker are essential to conduct festivals, public meeting and rallies of political parties. As the population is increasing rapidlythe scope for this business is high
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Finline is an online tool for creating the report online and see the report for free online. You only need to pay for downloading the report.
Yes , ofcourse you can upgrade from a lite plan to a pro at anytime.
You can do unlimited edits even after download without any extra payment.
Lite and Pro are just individual report download plans , not subscription plans.
Not at all, project report is a business plan about your business and it should be prepared by an entrepreneur . Nobody can predict and certify a business which is going to happen in the future.
Yes of course, you can go to the help section in all pages were you can find chat button for seeking support.