Puffed rice or popped rice, is a types of puffed grain made from rice commonly eaten in the traditional cuisines of Southeast Asia, East Asia, and South Asia. It has also been produced commercially in the West since 1904 and is popular in breakfast cereals and other snack foods. Traditional methods to puff or pop rice include frying in oil or salt. Western commercial puffed rice is usually made by heating rice kernels under high pressure in the presence of steam, though the method of manufacture varies widely. They are either eaten as loose grains or made into puffed rice cakes. The Production of Puffed Food (Kurmura, Murmura, Muri). Rice Processing and Value Added Products Muri is to rice as popcorn is to corn. A traditional puffed rice called muri is made by heating rice in a sand-filled oven. Puffed rice also known as kurmura, murmura, muri in Hindi are very lightweight and crisp. As the same suggest puffed rice are made from rice, where the rice grains are expanded because of high-pressure heating. Rice grains are slow roasted with sand in huge iron wok with lot of patience keeping the heat very slow so that the rice grains do not burn. Puffed rice has greater volume than regular rice but is less in calories which means that given equal sized servings puffed rice will have fewer calories than rice. Puffed rice is used to make bhelpuri and snacks and for other needs.
The Puffed Rice Market to grow at a substantial Compound Annual Growth Rate during the forecast period 2017-2022. With the increase in demand for muri, farmers are growing more rice to meet the demands. Market Outlook The most common sight today would be Bhelpuri is a savoury snack originating from the Indian subcontinent, and is also a type of chaat. It is made of puffed rice, vegetables and a tangy tamarind sauce. Puffed rice is a popular low cost breakfast cereal and snack used worldwide because of its ready to eat (RTE), lighter and crispness characteristics. India produces annually 89 million tonnes of rice (second largest producer of rice in the world), But, only 10 percent of it is converted to different value added products such as puffed rice, popped rice or flaked rice. Puffed rice has got a highest demand both in national and international market. Quality factors such as uniform puffing, contamination free, good colour, crispness etc. are the major concern for export of puffed rice. However, the production of puffed rice in India is only limited to village levels. The puffing method traditionally followed in India is sand-roasting.Puffed wheat is prepared by heating wheat grains under pressure and then rapidly releasing pressure when the superheated steam in the grain expands grain is puffed. It is a good source of copper, protein, and iron. Puffed rice used in breakfast cereal or snack foods served as popular street food. It is made by heating rice kernels under high pressure in the presence of steam. Puffed food is segmented by applications as Bakery Industry and Snacks Industry. In bakery it uses in in making puffed backed pancake, puffed baked potato and others.
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