Indians give more thrust and importance to education. Notebooks and exercise books are the most popular stationery items for schools. Every student requires them throughout their entire schooling and higher education. The demand for notebooks exits throughout the year although its demand peaks in June and August when the schools re-open. Record books and exercise books are also in demand throughout the year as they are used in institutions, offices and government organizations. According to the research report, the India exercise notebook market will record revenue of INR 334.6 billion by FY’2020 due to more players entering the market and rising number of educational and commercial institutes in the country. The exercise notebook market in India has witnessed commendable growth over the period FY’2010-FY’2015. The market has witnessed a double-digit CAGR during the period FY’2010-FY’2015 in terms of revenue. The growth of this market has been majorly driven by the governmental thrust towards compulsory and quality school education and higher educational aspiration among the growing middle class. The market for exercise notebooks in India has been traditionally dominated by the unorganized segment. There has been a marked shift in the preference of cheap local brands to quality products. Aesthetically and functionally improved notebooks, which come with innovative 3D covers, had witnessed an increasing demand in recent years.
Softwood trees are cut down and ground into pulp. This is done through machines known as “pulp digesters.”once the pulp is clean and purified, another machine takes it and sprays it onto a wire screen. The machine then drains the water from the pulp, which allows the cellulose fibers to adhere together into paper. Bleach or dye may also be added at this stage to add some color.The pulp goes through a pounding and squeezing process that’s referred to as beating. At this stage, filters are added like chalks, clays, or chemicals to give the paper its opacity and overall final look.The next step is smoothing the paper and compacting it even further. This is done by passing the paper through metal rollers called calendars, which are giant reels that end up holding about 49 miles worth of paper!.The paper is far away from its original pulp state and is now ready for the fine details. For some notebook paper, that involves using machines to create the lines, holes, or any other detail you see on the pages.Now it’s finally time to turn that paper into a notebook. The first step is making the cover, which can be made from a variety of materials including plastic, leather, fabric, and cardboard to name a few.For hardbound journals, the cover is cut down to size to fit the paper and then pressed on via giant mechanical rollers. A spiral notebook is added on using thin metal wires that are pulled through all the holes in the paper.
The market for exercise notebooks in India has been traditionally dominated by the unorganized segment.High usage of writing exercise notebooks as compared to drawing notebooks indirectly leads to greater demand of white paper exercise notebooks which accounted for the majority share in the total notebook market.India’s middle class population is likely to go up to 583 million by FY’2025 resulting in wider demand. The market is expected to witness a rise in the volume of premium office as well as school and college notebooks as companies widen the offering of their premium brands to realize the high margin in this segment. Pro-environmental initiatives by the Government will propel the usage of more recycled papers in exercise notebook production. The market is also tempting for foreign brands that will look forward to grab a share of the unorganized pie. According to the research report, the India exercise notebook market will record revenue of INR 334.6 billion by FY'2020 due to more players entering the market and rising number of educational and commercial institutes in the country.It means every one will get there own pie for creating a win -win situation in the market.The price, quality and the designs are the key factors in the industry. The market is characterized by low product loyalty where buyers can easily switch brands. Buyers are generally snobbish in their purchase decision. Therefore, manufacturers need to ascertain competitive pricing for their products while sticking on to quality.
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