Orange is most common among citrus fruits grown in India. It occupies nearly 40% of the total area under citrus cultivation in India. The most important commercial citrus species in India are the mandarin, sweet orange and acid lime sharing 41, 23 and 23 % respectively of all citrus fruits produced in the country. In India, citrus is grown in 0.62 million ha. Area with the total production of 4.79 million tonnes. The area under orange cultivation in India increased by 67% from 1.19 lakh ha. In 1991-92 to 1.99 lakh ha. In 2001-02 and the production increased by 57% (i.e. from 10.58 to 16.60 lakh tonnes). Oranges are mostly grown in the states of Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Assam, Orissa, West Bengal, Rajasthan, Nagaland, Mizoram, and Arunachal Pradesh. There is growing interest or awareness among the citrus growers for adoption of latest technologies for commercial cultivation of citrus. In India, large-scale orange cultivation is done in Nagpur and in the Vidarbha area of Maharashtra and in Chinaware, Sholapur, and Raigad and Malwa belts in Madhya Pradesh adjoining Nagpur. There are orange orchards in Jhalawar and some other areas, too, in Rajasthan adjoining Madhya Pradesh. Kinu is cultivated in many places in Punjab and Haryana. Farmers make a profit of Rs3-5 lakh per acre when the crop and the rate are good. Oranges thrive well in sub-tropical climate. In India, orange farmers take two crops a year. Some take a winter crop and others in summer.
The demand for oranges is at its peak during the months of November, December, and January when the temperatures are a little lower. The growth in the Indian market is retained, especially where the consumption of oranges has seen the strongest growth in recent years.? Consumers in different regions are shifting their preferences towards orange juice. Domestic consumption of fresh oranges is growing, as consumers demand fresh-squeezed orange juice in their homes, bakeries, and restaurants are growing throughout the nation, they also look for pasteurized juice, which is produced at factories that operate in the country. Nutritional properties and health benefits of oranges led to increase in its worldwide consumption. The commercial orange juice industry was developed in the 1920s, and since then the reforms in technology have led to the development of variants in commercial orange juice. The common types of commercial orange juice are frozen concentrated orange juice, not from concentrate, canned orange juice, fresh-squeezed juice, mixed juice, dehydrated orange juice, and others manufactured as ready-to-drink (RTD) packaged beverage. Some of the reasons behind the decline include the changing consumption occasions, as well as the growing health awareness and concerns regarding the orange juice’s high sugar content. Previously, people used to have breakfast together as a family more regularly and to drink orange juice with breakfast.
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