Project report for Sheep Farming

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Sheep with its multi-facet utility for wool, meat, milk, skins and manure, form an important component of rural economy particularly in the arid, semi-arid and mountainous areas of the country. It provides a dependable source of income to the shepherds through sale of wool and animals. Sheep and goats are important species of livestock for India. Small ruminants play an important role in Indian economy and it provides livelihood to two-third of rural community. This growth is driven by the rapidly increasing demand for livestock products, this demand being driven by population growth, urbanization and increasing incomes in developing countries. Sheep are mostly reared for wool and meat. Sheep skins and manure constitute important sources of earning, the latter particularly in southern India. Milk from sheep is of limited importance and that too in very limited areas of Jammu and Kashmir, Rajasthan and Gujarat. Sheep farming is continuously growing in India as an agriculture business and earning source. Sheep farming is a traditional occupation among people in some countries around the world. Sheep raised for their milk, wool and meat, which comes under animal husbandry. Its meat is delicious and very healthy, nutritious and popular among every person in the world. You can raise a good income from sheep farming and help to reduce poverty from the barren, desert, semiarid and mountainous areas. Sheep farming business is a very fabulous profitable idea.

Market potential & Strategy

The goat meat market is set to rise as the middle class is expanding and meat consumption is increasing. Demand for goat meat and mutton will rise to 12.72 million tonnes in 2020 against 3.8 million tonnes this year. In India goat meat is preferred by all. Indians' love for goat meat has led to the commodity's price increasing at 20% per annum. The demand for goat meat is increasing faster than the growth in goat population. The goat meat is a high protein diet with high nutritional value. The goat meats are widely used in various hotels and restaurants. It is also used at special occasions like parties and marriages. There is also scope for exporting Frozen Goat Meat. There is always good opportunity for goat owners during Bakri Id festival. Goats are among the main meat-producing animals in India, whose meat is one of the choicest meats and has huge domestic demand. Due to its good economic prospects, goat rearing under intensive and semi-intensive system for commercial production has been gaining momentum for the past couple of years. High demand for goat and its products with potential of good economic returns have been deriving many progressive farmers, businessmen, professionals, ex-servicemen and educated youths to take up the goat enterprise on a commercial scale.  

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