The most common and widely used sponge chappels (Hawai) are very much in demand. Simple production with innovative designs has given fantastic movements of this variety in the market. Good market opportunity, very good profit potentiality, and more employment generation are the salient features of the product. The Indian footwear industry has developed substantial links in the global production network. But, this industry is still dominated by firms that cater largely to the domestic market through the artisanal production system. Specific footwear centers and sections of firms in traditional footwear clusters have established strong relations with the export market.
The firm is producing rubber based chappals.
The Indian footwear industry has developed substantial links in the global production network. But, this industry is still dominated by firms that cater largely to the domestic market through the artisanal production system. Specific footwear centers and sections of firms in traditional footwear clusters have established strong relations with the export market.
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