The soybean or soya bean is a species of legume native to East Asia, widely grown for its edible bean, which has numerous uses. In India, Traditional unfermented food uses of soybeans include soy milk, from which tofu and tofu skin are made. Fermented soy foods include soy sauce, fermented bean paste, and tempeh. They are a rich source of protein. Among the vegetable protein, they contribute a maximum level of 50% protein. As they are free from Cholesterol they are also commonly used as meat substitutes. An indigenous laboratory scale extrusion cooker with arrangement for controls of extrusion temperature, retention time, speed mixing and other factors during extrusion has been found to be quite suitable for preparation of protein enriched ready-to-eat foods from combinations of defatted ground nut/soy flour and cereal/gram flour. Optimum conditions and soy flours have been reported. Organoleptic evaluation show an acceptable shelf-life. Fat-free soybean meal is a significant and cheap source of protein for animal feeds and many packaged meals. Soybean is the most important protein source for feed farm animals (that in turn yields animal protein for human consumption). Textured or texturized vegetable protein (TVP), also known as textured soy protein (TSP), soy meat, or soya chunks is a defatted soy flour product, a by-product of extracting soybean oil. It is often used as a meat analogue or meat extender. It is quick to cook, with a protein content comparable to certain meats.
The soya nugget market in India is growing at a rate of 25% to 30% which are prompting companies to become more active. The Global Textured Soy Protein Market to exhibit a CAGR of 7.9% during the period 2019-2024. On the basis of the distribution channel, the soya Chunks market is segmented into direct and indirect sales. The indirect sales segment can be further segmented into store-based retailing and online retailing. Store based retailing can be further classified into modern grocery retailers and traditional grocery retailers. Modern grocery retailers can be further sub segmented into a convenience store, mom and pop stores, discount stores, and hypermarkets or supermarkets. The traditional grocery retailers can be further sub-segmented into food & drink specialty stores, independent small groceries, and others. The soya Chunks are easily available in local market, which provides an ease to consumers to use the benefits offered by the product. Since the soy granules serves as a protein source for consumers, similar to meat but are cheaper than meat, due to this it serves as an adequate meat alternative, more specifically in a vegan diet. The various similar products faces the problem of proper storage but this issue is cured in case of soy granules, as dehydrated soy granules can be easily stored for about 12 months. The soy granules have numerous household uses in preparation of food and beverages in various regions. Soy granules are enriched with various minerals, vitamins, lecithin, is of flavones, and is quite beneficial in lowering cholesterol, and prevention of loss of bone mass and cancer.
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