Many Indian students prefer to study abroad rather than studying in India, in order to gain globalrecognition and have a greater impact on their respective careers. According to recent reports,the total number of students who go overseas for higher education each year is estimated to be 7, 52,725 students. Many agencies – overseas education consultancies – that are responsiblefor helping students through the application process of a specific foreign university benefit fromsuch a large number. With the increasing aspirations of students desiring to study abroad, the
Study abroad consultancy industry is booming remarkably at an unprecedented pace. Thequantum of opportunities in the said sector always leaves room for exploiting maximum profits inreturn for quality and trusted services. One of the main reasons why the number of overseas
education consultancies is growing, particularly in India, is that these consultancies make itmuch easier for students to gain admission to top foreign universities. High cut-offs in Indianinstitutions make it difficult for even the brightest students to gain admission to the best
Furthermore, some of India's most prestigious institutions, such as IIMs, IITs, AIIMS, and others,hold difficult entrance examinations. According to a study, a student's chances of getting intohighly regarded IITs are less than 50% on average. Not only studies but such students enrolling
for universities abroad generally plan their employment overseas as well, which means the freemarketing of the consultancy industry through the satisfied and happy students is also the cherry on top.
India is one of the largest markets for overseas universities, with the highest number ofstudents. These universities want to enroll as many students as possible, so they hireeducation consultancies to find Indian students and enroll them in their institutions. Thecollaboration of these two education providers has resulted in the expansion of theentire international education sector.Another important factor driving the growth of such consultancies is that the largerplayers in this field offer lucrative franchises. Truematics Consultancy Services offerslucrative franchise opportunities in the range of Rs 50,000-2 lakhs, and Envoy OverseasEducation Consultants offers franchises in the range of Rs 2-5 lakhs. Overseas education consultancy franchises are low-cost business opportunities that allow aspiring edupreneurs to easily launch their own venture, and this type of service is currently inhigh demand and will only continue to rise in the near future.
With no. of universities coming into being all across the globe, the market is totallystuffed with a handful of potential and profitability. The Study abroad consultancyindustry is soon going to touch billions of USDs in the upcoming times. In order tobecome, a big bull in the industry, one would be suggested to adopt the one-stop solution providing a model in the industry as the students would not find it convenient tovisit different firms and agents for different legal and financial planning of their careersabroad. Also, the profit margin can not be expected to remain constant or at a particularstandard in the Study abroad, consultancy industry as services are relative in terms ofquality and can give you an edge over the others.
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