India is the world's largest mango producer, accounting for approximately 46% of global demand. In terms of natural resources and climatic conditions, India has an advantage over other countries when it comes to mango production. In reality, the Indian ‘Alphonso' is the world's most sought-after fruit, dubbed the ‘king of all fruits'. In foreign markets, Indian mangoes and packaged mango items, such as mango pulp, pickles, chutneys, juices, jams, slices in brine, and so on, are in high demand. This can be seen as a fantastic chance for Indian mango growers to take advantage of.India is the world's largest mango producer, accounting for approximately 46% of global demand. In terms of natural resources and climatic conditions, India has an advantage over other countries when it comes to mango production. In reality, the Indian ‘Alphonso' is the world's most sought-after fruit, dubbed the ‘king of all fruits'. In foreign markets, Indian mangoes and packaged mango items, such as mango pulp, pickles, chutneys, juices, jams, slices in brine, and so on, are in high demand. This can be seen as a fantastic chance for Indian mango growers to take advantage of.
The fruit is extremely popular with the general public due to its adaptability, good nutritional value, variety, delicious taste, and excellent flavour. It contains a lot of vitamin A and C. The fruit can be eaten either raw or ripe. 20 percent of overall soluble sugars are present in healthy mango varieties. Ripe desert fruit has an acid content ranging from 0.2 to 0.5 percent and a protein content of around 1%. The wood is used for construction, and the dried twigs are used in religious ceremonies. The mango kernel also includes 8-10% high-quality fat that can be used for saponification. The starch it produces is used in the confectionery industry.
Mango is cultivated in nearly all of India's states. Andhra Pradesh is the state that grows the most mangoes. Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Bihar, and Gujarat are the other major producers. Mangoes grown across the country are exported to the country's major cities for marketing. Nagpur, Bombay, and Calcutta are both markets for fruits grown in Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. Calcutta, Delhi, Bombay, Madras, Ahmedabad, Pune, and Nagpur are the main wholesale mango markets in India. Mangoes for these large markets are normally harvested at central locations in all mango-growing areas, such as Lucknow and Varanasi in Uttar Pradesh; Gandevi, Gadat, and Amalsar talukas in Gujarat; and Ratnagiri and Vengurla in Maharashtra.
India's total fruit production is about 90 million tonnes, with mango production accounting for around 18 million tonnes, or 20% of total fruit production. Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka, Bihar, Gujarat, Maharashtra, and Tamil Nadu are the top mango-producing states. Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Gujrat, West Bengal, Karnataka, and Andhra Pradesh are the country's top mango exporting states. India has the ability and capacity to expand its share of the global mango trade because many Indian varieties have superior colour, flavour, fragrance, and taste. In the previous year, mango exports brought in $40 million USD.
In the international mango market, Totapuri, Alphonso, Kesar, Badami, Banganpalli, Rajapuri, and Dasheri are in high demand.Totapuri mangoes are India's most exported mango, accounting for 47 percent of overall exports. Alphonso came in second with a 43 percent market share, while Kesar took 11 percent of the country's overall mango export volume. Mangoes are exported in a variety of forms, including ripe, pulp, puree, dice, and slices, with the most common being ripe and pulp.
In general, the available systematic and technical approach to risk evaluation and management in the fresh mango supply chain must be placed into effect for the recognition of hazards validated control measures operated at Critical Control Points in order to capture new markets and maintain the traditional profitable markets of developing countries. Not only the Mango production but the use of such fresh and premium quality mangoes in different product lines of various companies involved in the FMCG products such as fruit juices, pickles, etc. offer a market full of profitable opportunities. The market for mango farming is risk aversive yet full of potential, keeping the perishability, pest control and quality consideration factors into the account.
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