Wire nail is a very well-known item, as it is a very common product, which is normally used in daily life. It is used for fastening purposes. Its use is so widespread that it has become part and parcel of life. Wire nails are pin-shaped, sharp objects of hard metal or alloy used as fasteners. They are typically made of steel, often dipped or coated to prevent corrosion in harsh conditions or improve adhesion. Ordinary nails for wood are usually of soft, low carbon, or mild steel while those for concrete are harder. Nails are used for various purposes and industries ranging from building and construction to carpentry. There is a tremendous variety of nails since they are used for so many different purposes. Wire nails are pin-shaped, sharp objects of hard metal or alloy used as fasteners. They are typically made of steel, often dipped coated to prevent corrosion in harsh conditions or improve adhesion. Ordinary nails for wood are usually of soft, low carbon, or mild steel while those for concrete are harder.
Nails are used for various purposes and industries ranging from building and construction to carpentry. There is a tremendous variety of nails since they are used for so many different purposes. There had been an erratic growth of the indigenous industry from past years. Since the manufacture of wire nails could be undertaken on a small scale or even on a cottage scale, there is a mushroom growth of nail-making units in operation. The future of wire nails will directly depend upon building activity in the country. As we know that at the present country is facing an acute housing problem, so naturally the demand for wire nails is high.
Most nails are made from coils of metal wire. The wire is fed into a nail-making machine which can produce up to 700 nails per minute. The nails may then be further twisted or formed, cleaned, finished, and packaged.
Nail Making Machine (3"x4mm,2.5"x3mm,2"x2.5mm) - 01 Set
Nail Making Machine (2.5"x3.2mm,2"x3.2mm) - 01 Set
Nail Making Machine (2"x3.6mm,1.5"x2.6mm) - 01 Set
Nail making Machine ( 1"x2mm,1.5"x2mm) - 01 Set
Polishing Machine - 01 Set
Bench Grinder - 01 Set
Drilling Machine - 01 Set
India is witnessing a construction boom, particularly in suburban areas. This has hugely increased the demand for building materials, including wire nails, which is expected to keep up with the upward trajectory for many decades to come. According to industry inputs, only a few percent of the total demand is met by local production and for the rest, the state depends on outside produce for the unsatisfied demand.
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