
Project Report For Mudra Loan

Mudra Bank loan offers loans at affordable rates to new companies. Registered company owners and entrepreneurs for setting up small & medium businesses can benefit. To get a Mudra loan the first and foremost requirement is to submit a Project Report to the Bank. 

The Project Report should include all business-related financial, economic, managerial, and technical aspects of the project or business. The report should be easy to understand and in a neat format. Applicants can create the project report on their own or with the help of an outsider like CA’s, tax consultants, or a private company who has particular knowledge.

What are the contents of a project report for Mudra Loan?

The project report consists of all business-related details. It should cover both the technical and financial aspects of the particular business. Below are the components of the project report.

  1. Introduction – Description of the business.
  2. Aim/Vision – Focus or target for which the enterprise shall work.
  3. Objective: Just as the aim, the objective of the enterprise should also be mentioned.
  4. Area of Expertise – Key areas or skills on which employees have expertise shall work.
  5. Details about the Promoters and Executive: Profile descriptions like education qualification, experience, etc.
  6. Source of Funds: Explain in detail how you are planning to raise funds for the business, owned, borrowed, etc.
  7. Financial Budget – Complete financial information on expenditure inquired like machinery cost, total cost, furniture cost, and working capital required.
  8. Financial Statements: These should the financial statements like profit & loss statements, cash flow statements, and balance sheets.
  9. Estimation: The report should include a projected estimation of sales, purchases, expenses, incomes, etc.
  10. Business Equipment Details – Exhaustive list of equipment, parts, plants and machinery to be used in the project
  11. Commercial Aspects – Plans to be executed related to commercializing the project
  12. Company Profile – Details on the company’s background, launch, initiation, milestones, and achievements
  13. Export Orders – Information on export orders, whether domestic or international, if any
  14. Information about Employees – Total number of employees working on the project with their details
  15. Information of Products and Services: Details of all the products and services to be used in the project
  16. Logistics Details: Information on transportation costs to be incurred whether private or commercial
  17. Manufacturing Processes: Details of types of manufacturing processes to be used in the project
  18. Market Potential: Information about the target market, target customer, market demand of the product, etc.
  19. Advertising Strategies: Advertising strategies to be applied or executed for the project
  20. Ratio Analysis: Computation and analysis of different ratios and their implications.
  21. Space or Land Requirement: Information on space or land requirements, if required
  22. Third-Party Details: Details of the third party engaged with the project if any like raw material suppliers, traders, manufacturers, etc.
  23. Break-Even Analysis: Specify the break-even point of the project; and its viability in terms of cost and profit.
  24. Conclusion: All project reports should have a conclusion at their end
About Finline!

Finline is an online platform for creating financial reports for getting bank loans and investments. It’s like ‘Canva’ but for financials. If you are an entrepreneur looking for a bank loan, you need to have a well-crafted project report. We, at Finline will help you with that. Our team will help you create a powerful business plan in ten minutes. That too in your language. All public and private sector banks working in India accept our project report. Click to create your report.


What are the Documents Required for Mudra Loan?

PMMY loan offers up to Rs. 10 Lakh for MSMEs for non-corporate non-farming origin businesses. The objective is to encourage the young generation into entrepreneurship by promoting them with financial aid, focusing on the growth of micro-enterprises. The applicant will require some specific documents to produce to the bank. Below are the documents required for Mudra Loan:

1. Proof of Identity
  • Applicant should produce self-attested photocopies of:
  • Aadhar Card
  • Driving License
  • Voter ID
  • PAN Card
  • Passport
2. Proof of Address
  • Utility Bill copy of electricity, telephone, gas, property tax, etc.
  • Aadhar Card
  • Driving License
  • Voter ID
  • Passport
  • Latest bank account statement
3. Duly fill out the application form for the Mudra loan
4. Applicant passport size photo in 2 number
5. Proof of Business
  • Certificate of Registration
  • Business License
  • Articles of Organization
  • Proof of Business Ownership
  • Or any other documents confirming the business existence and address
6. Business Plan/Project Report

A business plan also known as a project report is a crucial document when applying for a bank loan. The bank uses this document to analyze the overall feasibility, risks, financial viability, and potential of a project. A well-crafted and convincing project report increases the chances of loan approval. With Finline you can craft a compelling project report in less than 10 minutes. That too in your language. Our reports are accepted by all public and private sector banks working in India. Click to create your project report.

7. Other Mudra Loan Documents
  • Photos of owners, partners, etc.
  • Proof of Category – SC/ST/OBC
  • Estimated balance sheet for the loan period
  • Income/sales returns
  • Last 12 month’s Bank Statement
  • Partnership Deed or MoA or AoA
  • Sales during the period and estimated sales for the loan period
  • Business report certifying the economic and technical viability of the business

 Based on the type of business and bank, the documents required for Mudra loan change as per the specific loan schemes like Shishu, Tarun, and Kishor.


What is a Bankable Project Report?

A bankable project report is a document submitted to the bank, which interprets the preferred business. It will give the lenders a narrative of the project submission, also the possibility of the proposed business/service.

What makes a project bankable?

A bankable project involves a solid financial, economic, and technical plan. However, it includes a risk allocation scheme appropriate for the nature of the project. The risks involved and the interests of the lenders imply an acceptable credit risk. This is why banks believe that a project is bankable if the project company has the ability to service the principal and interest payments.

How to write a business project report?

A project report for a business should discuss the finance, challenging risks, technical process, plant and machinery, raw materials, manpower requirement etc, therefore it is important to create a project report to evade future issues.

The project report should contain detailed information in a standard format:

  1. Background of the business
  2. Customer’s(Applicant) profile
  3. Long and short-term business organisation objectives
  • Perform a viability assessment of the proposed new business ideas in terms of marketability, technical feasibility, financing and authorities
  • Prepare a relevant business plan
  • To recognize fundamental startup issues
  1. Market Analysis
  • Brief discussion on the type of market, chief influencers, players, etc
  • Market description
  • Reasons for starting a business in a particular market
  • Target clients
  • Advantages of the services offered by the new business
  • Market consumption patterns
  • Past and existing supply location
  • Production prospects and limitations
  • Exports and Imports
  • Price structure
  • Flexibility of demand
  • Supply network and marketing rules formulated by the government
  • Government and technical limitations imposed on the promotion of the product
  1. Financial Assessment
  • Investment expenditure and value of the entire project
  • Methods of investment
  • Anticipated productivity
  • Money flows of the project report
  1. Marketing Assessment
  • Product
  • Price
  • Place
  • Promotion
  1. Operational Plan
  2. Financial Plan
  3. Management Structure
  4. Business structure (Ownership, staff, etc)
  5. SWOT Analysis
  • Product
  • Price
  • Place
  • Promotion
  1. Appendices
  • Break-Even Assessment
  • Profit and Loss Synopsis
  • Fund Flow Summary
How to get a project report?

Get your Bankable Project Report with Finline.

About Finline!

Finline is an online platform for creating financial reports for getting bank loans and investments. It’s like ‘Canva’ but for financials. If you are an entrepreneur looking for a bank loan, you need to have a well-crafted project report. We, at Finline help you with that. Our team will help you create a powerful business plan in ten minutes. That too in your language. Also, our reports are accepted by all public and private sector banks working in India. Click to create your report.

Loan Schemes

Swami Vivekananda Swanirbhar Karmasansthan Prakalpa

The West Bengal Swarojgar Corporation Ltd implements the Swami Vivekananda Swanirbhar Karmasansthan Prakalpa(SVSKP), a flagship scheme of the Department of Self Help Group & Self Employment (WBSCL).

The basic goal of the scheme is to increase access to credit for the growth of rural/urban enterprises. SVSKP yojana gives assistance to unemployed young people and groups of people. More emphasis has been placed on training, especially in trades where locally available raw materials could be used to produce. Making finer articles rather than being wasted due to ignorance, and in traditional crafts where there is ample potential.

What are the Benefits of  Swami Vivekananda Swanirbhar Karmasansthan Prakalpa(SVSKP) Yojana?
  • Generation of self-employment opportunities across the state. 
  • Promotion of enterprises in the remote and rural areas of West Bengal. 
  • Financing the funds to the educated unemployed youth of the state to promote self-dependence. 
  • Better utilisation of idle resources. 
  • Maximum Govt. subsidy of Rs. 1.5 lakh for individual 
  • West Bengal Swarojgar Corporation Ltd is providing 3.5 lakh for groups of five or more, which represents 30% of the project cost 
What is the Eligibility of SVSKP Yojana?
  • The applicant must be between 18-45 years of age. 
  • The monthly family income of the applicant should be less than Rs.15,000
  • This project is applicable to any type of small-scale industry, production unit, trading unit, or service point in rural or urban areas. It also includes any unit involving agriculture and animal resources.
  • Employees of the Central Government, State Government and any government-approved organization or his family cannot participate in this project.
  • Swami Vivekananda Swanirbhar Karmasansthan Prakalpa pays 5 per cent of the project cost to the applicant.
  • 30 per cent grant from the State Government (maximum of Rs. 1.5 lakhs in individual projects and maximum of Rs. 3.5 lakhs in joint ventures)
  • State-owned banks or financial institutions must pay the remaining 65 per cent or the remainder at current interest rates.
What are the Documents Required for SVSKP Yojana? 
  • Birth certificate
  • Employment Exchange Card / Unemployment Certificate from BDO
  • Caste Certificate
  • Colour Photograph
  • Project Report/Business Plan
  • Trade License
  • Educational Qualification Certificate. 

In the above list, a Business plan also known as a project report is a crucial document when applying for a bank loan. The bank uses this document to analyze the overall feasibility, risks, financial viability, and potential of a project. A well-crafted and convincing project report increases the chances of loan approval. With Finline you can craft a compelling project report in less than 10 minutes. That too in your language. Our reports are accepted by all public and private sector banks working in India. Click to create your project report.

How to apply for Swami Vivekananda Swanirbhar Karmasansthan Prakalpa(SVSKP) Yojana? 

Visit the following link to download the application form for the SVSKP Scheme


Project Report Tool for Financial Professionals

Perfect project report tool for Chartered Accountants, Company Secretary, Tax consultants, Advocates/Attorneys.

Finline is the first online platform tool to create project reports for bank loans. With Finline professionals can create a perfect report within a very short time. The application will help create a company profile, business profile (we provide sample content), and financial projections more easily. While inputting the financial fields, the application will automatically create the profit and loss, cash flow, and balance sheet for certain years in the future. At the same time, the application will provide the financial ratios based on the financial sheets and suggest the firm’s viability in the long run.

Important ratios covered in inline report are DSCR, Current ratio, Quick ratio,Interest coverage ratio, Debt equity ratio,TOL/TNW , Return On Capital Employed, Net profit Sales Percentage, Gross profit Sales Percentage, BEP in % of installed capacity, BEP in sales.

Major sections in Finline reports are as follows

  • Project at a glance
  • Feasibility Ratio of the project
  • Project Feasibility graph
  • Introduction
  • Scope of the project
  • Promoter(s) details
  • Location, Land, Building & Utilities
  • Product/services & process
  • Raw materials / Consumables
  • Plant & machinery/equipment
  • Market Potential & Strategy
  • Manpower requirements
  • Project Cost
  • Working Capital Computation
  • Annual Sales / Revenue
  • Total Monthly Expense
  • Application of Fund
  • Means of Finance
  • Profitability Statement
  • Cash flow statement
  • Balance sheet
  • Repayment of Term loan
  • Debt Service Coverage Ratio
  • Depreciation
  • Break Even Point
  • Assumption
  • Conclusion

Why do you really need a Project Report?

The world has changed a lot since the idea of a project report was formalized decades ago. Things move much faster now and it’s easier than ever to get a business started. So, it’s rational to think that startups don’t need project reports anymore. After all, you could just dive in and start building a business without spending much time thinking about your goals or how your business is going to work.

However tempting, starting a business without a plan is not a great idea. Why?
  • It’s not just about funding. Planning is still a critical part of starting a business, but not for the reasons you might think. Most people think that the plan is all about showing it to other people to raise money or get a loan. But, that’s not the real reason planning is so important.
  • The process is what’s valuable. Writing a project report is important because of the process you’ll go through when you put the plan together. When you plan, you discover what you need to do to start your business and what it’s going to take to be successful. Writing a plan is all about you, and clarifying your business idea for yourself and your business partners.
  • Get clear and specific about your idea. After all, before you’ll be able to explain your business idea to friends, family, and potential investors, you’ll need to be able to explain your idea to yourself. The value of writing a project report comes from going through the process, not from printing a document.
  • Reduce your risk. And, spending a little time on planning before starting your business reduces the risk that you’ll lose money and make silly mistakes. Your plan will help you discover if your business can make money and what you need to make it successful. Sure, you could jump right in and start your business without a plan, but it’s much more likely that you’ll waste time, money, and resources—unless you have a plan.

Planning guarantees that you’ll be more successful. Over the years, there have been multiple academic studies of companies that do plan and those that don’t. And, time and time again, the results show that companies that plan are more successful, more likely to get funding, and more likely to achieve their goals.

About Finline!

Finline is an online platform for creating financial reports for getting bank loans and investments. It’s like ‘Canva’ but for financials. If you are an entrepreneur looking for a bank loan, you need to have a well-crafted project report. We, at Finline help you with that. Our team will help you create a powerful business plan in ten minutes. That too in your language. Also, our reports are accepted by all public and private sector banks working in India. Click to create your report.


Project Report for Bank Loan

If you need a bank loan to start your dream business, a project report is a necessary document. Struggling to make one? Don’t worry, you are at the right place!

In this blog, we will discuss about:
1) What is a project report?
2) Why do you need it?
3) How can you prepare a convincing project report?

1) What is a project report?

A project report is a mandatory document that outlines different aspects of the business or startup project. It should contain the project’s details, feasibility, and financial requirements. Here comes the next question, why does someone need this?

2) Why do you need it?

There are several reasons which show project reports as a must. Some of them are listed below:

  • Project reports will help the bank assess your project’s success rate and can thereby make sure that you can repay the loan.
  • It will help the bank understand the project’s risks and rewards.
  • Submitting a decent project report shows the lender that you have done enough homework and is serious about the project. The project report also provides information about your qualifications and experience.
3) How can you prepare a convincing project report?

A strong and convincing project report should contain the following:

  1. Executive summary: An executive summary is a short summary containing the business’s overall status. It should be concise and should provide an overview of the entire project.
  2. Project description: It should explain the project’s nature, purpose, scope etc.
  3. Details of promoters: The details of the promoter’s skills, qualifications and experience should be mentioned.
  4. Details of Employees: Like the promoters, the details of the employee’s skills, qualifications and experience should also be mentioned.
  5. Production plan: This includes the details such as plant and machinery, raw material used and steps in the manufacturing process.
  6. Market analysis: It conducts research about the market to understand the demand for your product and services.
  7. Marketing plan: This provides the details about the marketing and sales strategies of your product/service.
  8. Project cost estimation: It’s the estimated expense that arises at the time of building the project.
  9. Balance sheet: All accounts will be visible on the balance sheet so that the lender can see where the money was spent.
  10. Profit and loss account: It shows whether the company is making a profit or a loss.
  11. Cash flow statement: It allows the lender to understand whether you have the ability to repay the loan.
  12. Loan repayment plan: This section should provide a well-defined plan for repayment of the loan.
  13. Break-Even point evaluations: It shows the point at which the project revenue equals its expenses.
  14. Conclusion: Lastly, Conclude the report by summarizing the key strengths of the project. Make it short and compelling.
About Finline!

Still, having trouble creating one? Let us help you. Our expert team at Finline helps you craft a compelling project report in less than 10 minutes. That too in your language. Our reports are accepted by all public and private sector banks working in India. Click to create your report.

Now there is nothing stopping you from starting your dream business. Begin your journey with Finline right away!

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