
MUDRA Loan Application Form

Pradhan Mantri MUDRA Yojana encourages the young generation into entrepreneurship by promoting them with financial aid, focusing on the growth of micro-enterprises. Under the Pradhan Mantri MUDRA Yojana (PMMY), MUDRA has created involvements named ‘Shishu’, ‘Kishore’ and ‘Tarun’ to denote the different stages of development and funding needs of the beneficiaries of micro, small, and medium entrepreneurs and also for the next phase of growth for their business. The amount covers: 

  1. Shishu: covering loans Up to 50,000/-
  2. Kishor: covering loans above 50,000/- and Up to 5 Lakh
  3. Tarun: covering loans above 5 Lakh and Up to 10 Lakh
What are the Important Fields and sections of the MUDRA Loan Application Form?

Below sections of the MUDRA application form are as follows:

A. For office use:
  1. Enterprise Name
  2. Application Serial Number
  3. Name of the branch
  4. Category – Shishu/Tarun/Kishor
B. Business Information:
  1. Name of the Enterprise
  2. Constitution of Enterprise – Proprietary/Partnership/Pvt
  3. Current Business Address – including State/ PIN
  4. Mobile Number
  5. E-mail ID
  6. Date of Commencement
  7. Proposed Business Activity – Skilled/Unskilled
  8. Registration Details
  9. Registered Office Address
  10. Social Category
C. Background Information of Proprietor/Partners/Directors:
  1. Serial Number, Name, DOB, Sex,
  2. Residential address with mobile number,
  3. Academic qualifications
  4. Experience in the line of activity
  5. Pan Card
  6. Proof of Identity/Address Proof
  7. Relationship with Bank/Directors, If any
D. Name of Associate Concerns and Nature of Association:
  1. Name of Association Concern
  2. Address of Associate Concern
  3. Bank Details
  4. Nature of Association concern
  5. The extent of Interest as Pro/Partner/Director or just Investor in Associate Concern
E. Banking/Credit Facilities Existing: (In Rs.)
  1. Type of Facilities – Current AC, Savings AC, Cash AC, Term Loan, LC/BG
  2. Current Bank Details
  3. Limit Availed
  4. Outstanding as of Date
  5. Security Lodged
  6. Assets Classifications
  7. If Banking with this Bank, the Customer ID
  8. Certification Statement from the Borrowers that no loan was taken from any bank or financial institution apart from the one mentioned in Section E.
F. Credit Facilities Proposed: (In Rs)
  1. Type of Facilities – Cash Credit, Term Loan, LC/BG
  2. Total Amount
  3. The purpose for which required
  4. Details of Primary Securities Offered
G. In case of Working Capital: Basis of Cash Credit Limit applied: (In Rs.)
  1. Actual Sales in the last two years
  2. Projected figures of sales, revenue, inventory, working cycle, creditors, debtors, and promoter’s contribution.
H. In case of Term loan requirements, the details of machinery/equipment may be given as under:
  1. Type of the machine/equipment
  2. The purpose for which it is required
  3. Name of the supplier
  4. The total cost of the machine
  5. A total contribution that is being made by the promoters in INR
  6. The total amount of loan that is required
  7. Repayment with moratorium period requested for 
I. Past Performance/Future Estimates: (Rs.)

Past Performance / Future Estimates and Actual performance for two previous years of:

  1. Net Sales
  2. Net Profit
  3. Capital (Net Worth in the case of Companies)
J. Status Regarding Statutory Obligations:
  1. Registration under the Shops and Establishment Act
  2. Registration under the MSME (Provisional/ Final)
  3. Drug License
  4. Latest Returns for Sales Tax Filed
  5. Latest Returns for Income Tax Filed
  6. Any other outstanding dues outstanding
K. Declaration:
  1. Declaration with photograph(s) and signature(s) of Proprietor/ Partners/ Director
  2. Mention of Date and Place
  3. Acknowledgement Slip for loan Application under Pradhan Mantri MUDRA Yojana
How to download the MUDRA Loan Application Form?


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